Més que un Club

Més que un Club
By: Juan Daniel Aguilar Pineda

martes, 27 de abril de 2010

F.C. Barcelona, Més que un club

Why I chose this topic?

For me, football is more than a sport, and F.C. Barcelona is Més que un club

Since that year 1899 a great football team was created, and has survived until theese days.

I become really happy last year, when Barcelona won 6 trophies, from the 6 possible.
"It become the best football team in the history of football", said the IFFSH. More than his historical rival; Real Madrid

I love my team and I feel very proud of them even when they lose, and enjoy watching all their matches.
Fortunly as I say, I had the oportunity to see one match of them, and was a feeling I can't describe, also I did the Camp Nou's tour in their museam and I touched the ground of it's splendid field

Also I love my favorite player, Lionel Messi, that has been player since he was 5 years old, and entered to FC Barcelona when he was 11.

Més que un Club

Who Am I?

I'm Juan Daniel, or like people like calling me, Panda.
I know this sentence is very usual, but it's true; I cannot live without my friends, I cannot live alone.

I'm a person who just loves living his live at full, laughing and making laugh and hates bieng sad, but if problems appear, I must face them being mature and serious.

My family, for some reasons I couldn't complain got separated and since those days, live has been difficult, but nothing I can't face.